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TIL - 200615

by Youngbin Kwon 2020. 6. 16.

1. 배운 것

 1) Codecademy - Learn Javascript : 브라우저 호환성과 변환(Babel)


  • ES5 — The old JavaScript version that is supported by all modern web browsers.
  • ES6 — The new(er) JavaScript version that is not supported by all modern web browsers. The syntax is more readable, similar to other programming languages, and addresses the source of common bugs in ES5.
  • caniuse.com — a website you can use to look up HTML, CSS, and JavaScript browser compatibility information.
  • Babel — A JavaScript package that transpiles JavaScript ES6+ code to ES5.
  • npm init — A terminal command that creates a package.json file.
  • package.json — A file that contains information about a JavaScript project.
  • npm install — A command that installs Node packages.
  • babel-cli — A Node package that contains command line tools for Babel.
  • babel-preset-env — A Node package that contains ES6+ to ES5 syntax mapping information.
  • .babelrc — A file that specifies the version of the JavaScript source code.
  • "build" script — A package.json script that you use to tranpsile ES6+ code to ES5.
  • npm run build — A command that runs the build script and transpiles ES6+ code to ES5.



2. 개발한 것



3. 개발할 것

 1) 스파르타코딩클럽 프로젝트

  - python 셀레니움을 이용하여 크롤링할 Jefit 페이지의 'click'버튼을 끝까지 클릭하여 모든 운동리스트를 크롤링할 수 있게 개발

  - 크롤링한 데이터를 운동이미지, 운동명, 운동부위의 한 세트로 만들어서 DB에 저장하는 기능 개발

  - 해당 객체를 프론트엔드에 카드 형식으로 뿌려주는 기능 개발

 2) Codecademy JS 강의(계속)

 3) Freecodecamp 'Applied visual design'강의 시작

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